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It’s easy to march to the rhythm of a steady routine. When everything’s going according to plan, you know what time you expect to wake up every morning, you can anticipate which days of the week you’ve planned on working out, you know which foods in your pantry will be cooked on which evenings. The familiarity of it all makes routine simple. Reassuring, even.
But when your schedule is completely turned around, it’s easy for the little things you took for granted – like working out – to fall off the list of priorities.
I am thoroughly guilty of this, especially when I travel. When I’m away from home, I let my mind drift into this magical place called permanent vacation mode, where working out doesn’t matter and calories (especially the calories in fruity beach cocktails and locally brewed beers) don’t exist. But as someone who usually leaves home at least once a month and is traveling somewhere close to ⅓ of the year, it became obvious pretty quickly that that wasn’t a sustainable approach.
I’ve been sitting on this idea of writing a post about workouts you can do from anywhere for a while. But, in light of recent events – with coronavirus quickly closing gyms and reducing maximum class sizes in workout studios around the world – I realize the idea of working out wherever you are isn’t something unique to traveling. What if you still want to be active, but you can’t even leave the 4 corners of your living room to go outside and get some fresh air?
While vacation trips have their place, and enjoying relaxing time at home is essential, it’s so important to be vigilant about bouncing back after taking a break from your workout routine. And, with so many motivating, resourceful, and fun ways to sweat these days without even setting foot in a gym, it’s honestly never been easier to squeeze in a workout, wherever you may be.
Read on for 5 effective workout ideas that you can easily do from anywhere, whether it’s your hotel room or your living room!
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5 Workout Ideas You Can Do From Anywhere

1. Download a Workout App
Using workout apps to guide my exercise routine has been something I’ve sworn by for the past 4 years of my life. In fact, for a solid 3 years, app-designed workouts were 80% of my entire fitness schedule! What I love about workout apps is that you can easily access them anywhere as long as you have your phone, they’re usually fairly quick (between 20 – 45 minutes), and you can often select a program or workout based on the equipment you have available.
Download one (or more!) of these apps and give them a trial-run. Some are designed to be full-on programs with different workouts scheduled for different days of the week, and some are more relaxed and allow you to just select what you’re in the mood for. Find the one that works for you, your schedule, and your space, and roll with it.
SWEAT: A full-body HIIT-based workout program designed to take no more than 30 minutes of your day.
Fit Body: A full-body customizable workout program, also 30 minutes a day.
Down Dog: A personalized yoga practice that allows you to select workout length, level, focus, and even the voice and music!
Bodyweight Fitness (Google Play Only): A calisthenics-focused workout app that allows you to choose the workout that’s right for you based on your level of fitness.
CORONAVIRUS NOTE: The Down Dog app is currently being offered for FREE to healthcare workers and students until 6/1/20, due to covid-19. They are also currently offering a 33% discount off subscriptions through their website.
2. Try ClassPass
ClassPass has been a lifesaver for me over the years whenever I’ve wanted to squeeze in a quick sweat sesh in a new city, or just switch up my regular workout routine. ClassPass allows you to find workout classes, studios, and other activities in your area, wherever you might be. Currently, ClassPass works in 28 countries and partners with more than 30,000 gyms and health studios worldwide! Personally, I’ve used ClassPass to do everything from catching a yoga class in Singapore to trying random new activities for fun (like aerial silks and reformer pilates) after work when I am home.
There are different tiered pricing structures for ClassPass, depending on how many ‘credits’ you want to use each month. You can book classes at any studio using these credits, and you’re good to go!
CORONAVIRUS NOTE: ClassPass is offering workout videos on their site so that you can work out at home during the current outbreak.
3. Stream A Workout Class Online

If you prefer having a teacher guide you through your workouts, you can ‘attend’ a class without having to go anywhere. I was shocked to find how many online classes there are available, especially for me since I try to practice yoga at least 2 or 3 times a week. And, the best part? These classes are substantially cheaper than any gym or studio membership would cost (we’re talking anywhere from $0-$30/month versus the $75-$300 some gyms charge for their memberships!). While most online classes are pre-recorded, there are also some that allow you to participate in a live class with a teacher guiding you through in real-time. This really just comes down to your preference and your schedule.
MyYogaWorks: YogaWorks actually has an incredibly robust online course collection, with everything from 3-minute videos demonstrating 1 specific pose, to 90-minute sessions if you really want to get deep with your practice.
CorePower Yoga On Demand: CorePower Yoga has one of the best sculpt classes (yoga with weights) ever, and their yoga flow classes are great too. You can do these workouts without even having to visit a studio by checking out their online videos.
CONBODY Online: CONBODY just launched their online program to encourage people to ‘do the time’ even if you can’t leave your house. Unlike many online classes, these are LIVE!
Beachbody: Beachbody is a program designed to be streamed from your TV, computer, or phone/tablet. It seems like it’s more commitment-based than do-it-when-you-can, but if you have 14 days to spare and want to fire up your fitness, this seems like a solid place to start.
NEOU: NEOU offers thousands of live and on-demand workout classes with an ever-growing library of videos. Unlike other platforms that are dedicated to one workout style, NEOU is more of a workout library, giving you access to whatever you might be in the mood for, whenever you want it. And, you can access NEOU videos from up to 5 connected devices.
The Sculpt Society: If you love to dance (and hey, sometimes you just gotta let loose from the comfort of your room), The Sculpt Society is a dance-based cardio workout with workouts ranging from 5 minutes to 50 minutes.
Sky Ting TV: Sky Ting is an online yoga membership that allows you to practice wherever you are, whether you have just 7 minutes or a full hour to spare.
The Bar Method: The Bar Method is a well-liked barre studio that teaches deceptively challenging sequences inspired by dance movement, and with the goal of giving participants a dancer’s body. Their online workout streaming platform allows you to try barre out from anywhere in the world.
Pilates Anytime: If pilates is your jam, Pilates Anytime gives you access to more than 3,000 workout videos you can access on the go. More than 1,500 of these videos are specifically for those who don’t have any special equipment. All you need is a mat!
– MyYogaWorks is currently offering FREE access to their platform until further notice with code ‘ONLINE’
– CorePower Yoga On Demand is currently offering FREE access to a series of online classes while studios are closed, which can be accessed HERE.
– Beachbody is offering its fitness programs free for 14 days.
– I’m not sure if this is related to the recent outbreak, but NEOU’s annual membership is currently 50% off ($49.99 instead of $99.99) with a free 30-day trial.
– The Sculpt Society has currently extended their free trial to 14 days, and will be offering daily live-streaming classes in addition to their library of on-demand videos.

4. Tap Into Social Media
Sometimes, you just need a quick move or two to get your heart pumping. Social media can actually be a great source of inspiration for finding quick moves and micro-workouts to experiment with when you’re in a pinch. I actually have found great workout ideas specifically on Pinterest and will usually visit the Pinterest app if I’m in need of a 3-minute ab blaster or a 10-minute stretch to get my day started.
Boards to Check Out:
5. Go Outside!
Of course, one of my absolute favorite ways to get moving is by going outside. When you’re home or working remotely, this could be something as simple as going for a walk or a quick jog at lunchtime. When you’re traveling, getting outside can be not only a great exercise, but a fantastic way of exploring a new city on foot. Going for a run, wandering the streets, taking a hike, or hitting the beach are all effective ways of sightseeing and getting a taste of the local culture! Your body will appreciate the workout, and your eyes and mind will thank you for the sensory overload! In my opinion, this is purely multitasking at its finest.
There you have it. 5 workout ideas you can literally do just about anywhere. Goodbye excuses, hellooooo convenience!
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